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What Makes the Strongest Relationship: A Guide to Lasting Relationships

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Guide to Lasting Relationship

The strongest relationships are those that can withstand the test of time. The happiest couples are those who continue to push themselves outside their comfort zone and make an effort to go above and beyond for their partner every day. It’s not about how much you love someone or how many nice things you say, but about showing them in your actions. Whether it be a new job, moving across the country, marriage, or having a baby, there are a million different stressors that can strain any relationship in unforeseeable ways. But, if you want to strengthen your partnership rather than letting it fall apart, it’s important to focus on positivity above all else. Strong relationships require work and dedication from both partners, so here are some ways that you can keep yours strong no matter what life throws your way.

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

This is the absolute most important thing that you can do in a relationship. Before you even start dating someone, talk to them about your relationship goals and expectations. Then, after you’re together, make sure to keep these lines of communication open on a regular basis. If you want the relationship to last, it’s important to communicate about everything, from the big things (like moving across the country together) to the small things (like how you like your coffee in the morning).This can be anything from having an actual conversation to sending each other silly text messages throughout the day. The key is to make sure that neither of you ever feel like you’re being ignored or that you don’t have an outlet to express yourself.

Assume Good Intentions

Even though it’s important to communicate with your partner, it’s also important to assume that their intentions are good. This is more than just giving them the benefit of the doubt; it’s about taking their feelings and actions into consideration. When you’re dating someone, sometimes it can be easy to get wrapped up in your own feelings while ignoring your partner. Even if they do or say something that you don’t like, try to remember that they are coming from a good place. It may not be what you want to hear, but it’s important to recognize that intentions are more than just words.

Go on Dates and Have Sex

Yes, having sex—a lot of sex—is a great way to bring a relationship together. But, having a ton of sex with your partner isn’t just a physical act; it’s an emotional one, too. It is easy to lose sight of one another when you are in a long-term relationship, especially if you are living together. Going on dates and having sex is a reminder that your partner is more than just a roommate or a friend—they are someone you want to be intimately connected with. If you’re living together and aren’t sure when it’s appropriate to start having sex again, there are plenty of articles online that will tell you how often is normal after moving in together.

Be Supportive

It’s important to go beyond just providing emotional support when your partner is going through something difficult. Be there for them in any capacity that they need. That could mean helping them find the right therapist, being a sounding board, or simply helping them to navigate a difficult work situation. It can be easy to lose sight of your partner’s feelings when you are struggling yourself. If you have a tough time imagining how they feel, put yourself in their shoes. If you find yourself unable to provide support, try to find a friend or family member who can help in your place. It’s important to remember that your partner can’t rely on you for everything, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help them at all.

Have a Mutual Goal or Activity

Having a mutually enjoyable goal or activity that you share with your partner is a great way to maintain a strong relationship. Having shared goals can help to strengthen the bond between you and your partner, especially if you’re in a long-term relationship. Having something to look forward to can help you feel more connected to your partner and less stressed about life in general. That said, keep in mind that you don’t have to have one thing that you do together forever. As long as it’s something that you both genuinely enjoy doing and that you can do together, it’s worth considering. It can be anything from playing a sport to watching a movie every week together.

Provide Each Other Emotional Support

This is a crucial part of any relationship, but it is often overlooked. Couples can get so caught up in doing things together and spending time together that they forget the real importance of being there for the other person when they need it. Each person in the relationship should be emotionally available for the other person. Being emotionally available means being willing and able to comfort your partner when they’re going through a tough time and helping them to find a positive solution. It isn’t always easy to do, but it can make a huge difference in a relationship.


The strongest relationships are those that are built on mutual respect and support. While it’s important to keep in mind that no relationship is perfect, it’s crucial to keep working on it when it gets tough. If you can create a healthy relationship with your partner, then you can create a healthy relationship with anyone.

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