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NordLayer vs NordVPN: Choosing The Right Cybersecurity Guardian For Your Needs

by Kristy

Online growth is rapid, but so are­ online risks! Companies nee­d sturdy safeguards for their info and systems. Picking the­ right resource can be baffling, e­specially when deciding be­tween similar choices from one­ provider. This is the situation with NordLayer vs NordVPN, from Nord Se­curity. Both provide safety but cater to various re­quirements. Let’s simplify it to assist in se­lecting the ideal cybe­rsecurity method for your ente­rprise.

NordLayer vs NordVPN: What is NordLayer?

NordLayer vs NordVPN: What is NordLayer?

NordLayer vs NordVPN: What is NordLayer? | Oglooks

NordLayer started as “NordVPN Teams,” a business-focused VPN service launched during the pandemic. It offered features like a management dashboard and centralised billing, making it easier for companies to manage their network security. Over time, NordVPN Teams expanded its features beyond just being a VPN. To reflect this broader focus, they rebranded as NordLayer in 2021.

Now, NordLayer goes beyond traditional VPNs by using a framework called “Secure Access Service Edge” (SASE). Think of SASE as a security toolbox for businesses. NordLayer uses different tools within SASE, like firewalls and access controls, to provide a comprehensive and user-friendly security solution for businesses.

NordLayer vs NordVPN: What Can NordLayer Do For Your Business?

The goal of NordLayer is to assist companies in strengthening their overall cybersecurity posture and adjusting to the ever-evolving threat landscape. Here are a few important applications for it:

  • Safe Online Work

In the modern hybrid work environment, staff members require safe remote access to corporate resources. NordLayer builds a safe tunnel that lets staff members access your information while safeguarding it.

  • Secure Web Browsing

When employees browse the internet, they may unintentionally click on harmful links, which could endanger your business. NordLayer protects your network by blocking these dangerous linkages.

  • Support for Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

A lot of businesses let staff members use their own devices for work. By simply needing the installation of one app, NordLayer streamlines BYOD and makes setup simple for both IT professionals and employees.

  • Regulatory Compliance

Certain industries have strict regulations regarding data security. NordLayer offers features that contribute to a robust cybersecurity environment, helping you meet compliance standards.

  • Increased Productivity

NordLayer simplifies security management for IT teams. With features like single invoicing, centralized policy enforcement, and user provisioning, IT can focus on other important tasks.

NordLayer vs NordVPN: What is NordVPN?

NordVPN serves those looking for an easy-to-use method of improving their internet security. It provides a global network of servers that may be accessed with a subscription. You may conceal your location and encrypt your internet traffic by connecting to a secure server with only one click. For routine activities like shopping or online banking, this can be helpful. 

You can also access geo-restricted content with NordVPN that might not be available in your area. It integrates easily with your regular internet usage and operates in the background.

NordLayer vs NordVPN: What Can NordVPN Do For Your Business?

NordVPN is designed for individual users who want a simple and effective way to boost their online security and privacy. Here are some of the key ways people use NordVPN:

  • Safe Surfing

NordVPN offe­rs a shield for your online activities by coding your inte­rnet link. It’s tricky for anyone, like your inte­rnet company or prying hackers, to pee­k at your activities. It brings an extra layer of prote­ction, handy for day-to-day deeds such as online bank de­alings or shopping trips. 

  • Public Wi-Fi Protection

Making use of public Wi-Fi can be­ a gamble. Sinister hackers could snatch your info. But NordVPN confuse­s your connection on these ne­tworks, safeguarding your data.

  • Unlocking Deals

Some online deals and services may be restricted to specific regions. NordVPN allows you to virtually change your location, potentially giving you access to better deals or content that might be unavailable in your area.

  • Enhanced Privacy

NordVPN doesn’t collect data about your online activities, which helps to keep your browsing history and personal information private.

  • Bypassing Censorship

In countries with restricted internet access, NordVPN can help you access blocked websites and information by circumventing censorship limitations.

NordLayer vs NordVPN: Which is the Best?

NordLayer vs NordVPN: Which is the Best?

NordLayer vs NordVPN: Which is the Best? | Oglooks

Features NordLayer NordVPN
Focus Businesses Individual Users
Features SASE Framework, Centralised Management, Firewalls, Access Controls Server Network, Encryption, Location Masking
Benefits Improved Business Cybersecurity, Secure Remote Access, Compliance Assistance, IT Efficiency Secure Browsing, Enhanced Privacy, Access to Geo-restricted Content, Potential for Better Deals

Need a security solution for your business? Look no further than NordLayer. 

Here’s what sets it apart from NordVPN:

  • Focus: Business-oriented. NordLayer offers a comprehensive security toolbox built on the SASE framework, specifically designed for organizations.
  • Features: Everything you need to safeguard your company network and implement security procedures throughout your entire organization is here, including centralized management, firewalls, and access restrictions.
  • Benefits: They include a stronger overall cybersecurity posture, safe remote work access, streamlined compliance procedures, and more output from the IT staff.

Looking for a personal online security solution? NordVPN might be the better fit:

  • Focus: Individual users are the main focus. NordVPN provides an easy-to-use interface and a vast server network for seamless connectivity.
  • Features: You can click to conceal your location and encrypt your internet data.
  • Benefits: They include access to geo-restricted content, improved online privacy, safe browsing on any network, and the possibility of finding better offers online.

In essence:

  • NordLayer: A security fortress for your business, offering a comprehensive suite of tools for access management, data protection, and overall organizational security.
  • NordVPN: Your personal security shield, encrypting your internet connection and safeguarding your privacy while you browse, shop, or stream online.

The best choice between NordLayer vs NordVPN depends on your needs. Businesses should choose NordLayer for its advanced features and centralized management. Individuals seeking everyday online security and privacy will find NordVPN a user-friendly and effective solution.


Confused about NordLayer vs NordVPN? Don’t worry, it’s simple! Businesses? Choose NordLayer. It’s a security suite built for companies, offering features like access control and data protection. Think of it as a complete security fortress for your organisation. Individuals? Choose NordVPN. It’s a user-friendly tool that encrypts your internet traffic and hides your location. Imagine it as a personal shield for your everyday online activities. The best choice depends on who needs protection: your business or you! For more information, visit OGLooks.


Is NordVPN the same as NordLayer?
No, they diffe­r. NordVPN is for personal VPN use, but NordLayer is made­ for business VPN needs.
Is there a VPN better than NordVPN?
It can vary – ExpressVPN, Cybe­rGhost, and Surfshark may surpass NordVPN depending on your require­ments.
What is NordLayer?
Created by NordVPN, NordLayer is a VPN se­rvice for businesses to prote­ct their networks and give worke­rs secure remote­ access.
Which is better: NordLayer vs NordVPN?
For businesses, NordLayer’s advanced features win. For individuals, NordVPN’s user-friendliness is the way to go.

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