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Top 5 Home Remedies to Treat Oily Skin

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Did you know that your skin is the body’s largest organ? If that wasn’t surprising enough, here’s another fact: Did you know that the oil on our skin is a natural response to help protect and shield it from germs and bacteria? That oily feeling we so often try to get rid of is actually a good thing. However, there are some people who have excess oil production on their skin. This may be triggered by an overactive sebaceous gland (the oil-producing part of the skin). The result is oily skin which can be embarrassing and troublesome for many people. Oily Skin can make you feel self-conscious, especially during summer when sweat and heat make it even more obvious. You might feel like everyone is looking at your oily face all the time. But fear not! There are many ways to treat oily skin effectively and naturally at home as well

What is Oily Skin?

Oily skin is caused by an overproduction of sebum, an oily substance secreted by glands in the skin. This causes pores to become clogged, resulting in blackheads, pimples, and an uneven skin tone. Although having oily skin is a hereditary condition, excessive oil in the skin can be triggered by a number of things, including your diet, hormones, and age. If you have oily skin, you might notice that you have to wash your face more often than people with normal skin. Your pores are more open and the skin is thinner than other skin types, which causes the oil to build up more quickly. Oily skin is often dehydrated, so it’s important to moisturize daily. Products with salicylic acid and alpha hydroxy acids are great for unclogging pores and decreasing oil production.

Why is Your Skin Producing So Much Oil?

The oil on our skin is a natural response to protect and shield it from bacteria and germs. When you have oily skin, it’s a sign that your sebaceous glands (the oil-producing part of the skin) are working overtime. This can happen for a number of reasons, including hormonal imbalances, genetics, and certain dietary choices. Many people experience an increase in facial oil production during their teens, when hormonal changes are at their peak. While this usually subsides as you get older, hormonal changes (like pregnancy and menopause) can also cause your skin to produce more oil. Depending on your skin type, you may be more likely to have oily skin. People with oily skin types produce more oil in their pores than those with normal or dry skin. Your genes can also play a role in your skin’s oil production, since many people with oily skin have a family history of the condition.

How to Treat Oily Skin?

– Stay hydrated.

One of the best ways to combat oily skin is to drink plenty of water each day, and it doesn’t just have to be water! Juice, tea, and other sources of water can also help you stay hydrated while boosting your immune system and flushing toxins out of your body.

– Avoid harsh products.

Many people with oily skin mistakenly think that scrubbing your face with harsh, pore-clogging products is the best way to treat oily skin. The opposite is actually true – your skin is very delicate, so it needs gentle cleansing.

– Use blotting paper.

While there’s no quick fix or home remedy for reducing oil production, there are a few things you can do to minimize its effects. Wearing loose-fitting clothing and blotting your face with paper after meals are two simple things you can do to reduce shine.

– Eat a healthy diet.

Eating a healthy diet can help combat many different skin issues, including oily skin. Choose foods rich in Vitamin A and E, like sweet potatoes, carrots, and squash, as well as foods high in B-complex vitamins like broccoli and leafy greens, to help prevent your skin from becoming oily.

– Limit your sugar intake.

While eating a well-balanced diet is the best way to treat oily skin, certain foods you should steer clear of are refined sugar, dairy, and alcohol. These make your body produce more oil and can also increase blemishes caused by your oily skin.

Natural remedies for oily skin

– Drink more water: As mentioned above, drinking water can help keep your skin hydrated and prevent excess oil.

– Try baking soda: Baking soda has many uses in the world of DIY home remedies, including treating oily skin. When mixed with a small amount of water, it can be used as a face scrub that is gentle enough for daily use.

– Use apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar has long been used as a natural remedy for many ailments, including acne. When applied to your skin as a toner, it can help reduce excess oil and prevent breakouts.

– Try lemon juice: Lemon juice is another great natural remedy that can help treat oily skin. If you use it regularly, it can help reduce your skin’s oil production while also brightening your complexion.

– Use turmeric: Turmeric is another fantastic natural remedy that can help treat oily skin. It can be applied to your face as a mask or used in other DIY skincare recipes.

Home Remedies for Oily Skin

– Cleanse regularly: Cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser designed for sensitive skin (or a mild natural cleanser) to remove dirt and oil while keeping your pores unclogged.

– Use a toner: A toner serves many purposes, including reducing oil and preventing breakouts.

– Use an exfoliant: Regularly exfoliating your skin with a gentle face scrub helps remove dead skin cells and excess oil.

– Moisturize: Applying moisturizer daily is one of the best ways to treat oily skin. Find a light, oil-free formula that is made especially for oily skin.

– Eat a healthy diet: See above for a list of foods that can help treat oily skin.

– Sleep enough: Getting enough sleep is essential for many aspects of your health, including your skin. Adequate sleep is also known to help reduce acne, which often afflicts people with oily skin.


Having oily skin isn’t easy, but don’t let it get you down. Remember that there are lots of effective home remedies to help treat oily skin, and many of them are inexpensive, easy to make, and are great for your health. If you have oily skin, try to avoid products that contain alcohol, which will only aggravate the problem. Additionally, you should avoid touching your face as much as possible, as bacteria can lead to breakouts. Remember, you don’t need to suffer in silence! There are many ways to treat oily skin and make your life with it a little bit easier.

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