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Dealing with Suicidal Thoughts: A Guide for Suicide Survivors

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Dealing with Suicide Thoughts

When you lose someone to suicide, it can be a confusing and terrifying experience. You are faced with the sudden loss of your loved one, as well as the realization that they must have been going through an extremely difficult time at the time of their death. It’s easy to feel helpless after losing someone to suicide, especially if you were not aware that they were struggling or in so much pain. But there is a light at the end of this dark tunnel. With time and support from others who understand what you are going through, you will be able to move past this tragic event and find peace once again. With that being said, recovering from a loved one’s suicide isn’t always easy. If you are currently struggling with suicidal thoughts after losing someone to suicide recently, keep reading for some helpful information on how to cope and heal.

Know the Signs of Suicidal Thinking

If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts after a loved one took their own life, it’s important to be aware of the signs that these thoughts might be more serious than normal. If you are having any of these thoughts, make sure to talk to someone about it. You don’t have to deal with these thoughts alone. There are many people out there who want to help and support you.

Feeling trapped or like you are in a never-ending cycle – If you are feeling like there is no way out of your situation and that everything is just piling up and getting worse, it’s time to talk to someone.

Feeling guilty – If you feel guilty about feeling better after losing someone to suicide and leaving behind others who are struggling, it’s important not to push these feelings away. They are very real and need to be dealt with so they don’t get in the way of your healing.

Getting angry easily – If you are feeling irritable and quick-tempered, it could be a sign that you are struggling with some serious thoughts and feelings you don’t know how to deal with.

Experiencing changes in appetite and sleep – If you are experiencing changes in your appetite and/or sleeping pattern, it could also be a sign that you are having more serious thoughts.

Find Support

If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts after losing a loved one to suicide, one of the first things you should do is find a support system. This can be done in a variety of ways, including joining a support group for people who have lost someone to suicide or finding a therapist or counsellor who can help you talk through your emotions and thoughts. If you are part of a religion or spiritual practice, you could also consider talking to a member of your clergy about your experience and how it is affecting your life. Depending on what is available in your area, you can also consider attending group therapy sessions where you can open up and share your feelings with other people who are going through a similar experience.

Acknowledge Your Feelings

After you have found a support group or a therapist to talk to, the next step is to acknowledge and accept your feelings. Many people who are struggling with suicidal thoughts don’t recognize that they are grieving, and they think they are just having suicidal thoughts. When you are grieving after losing a loved one to suicide, you are experiencing the same emotions and feelings as when someone dies naturally. These include sadness, fear, anger, and guilt. When you are grieving, it’s important to let these emotions out so that you can move past them and heal. If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts after losing someone to suicide, it’s important to let these feelings out and share them with a support group or therapist. This helps you to acknowledge your feelings and begin to let them go.

Write a Letter

Another thing you can do to acknowledge and accept your feelings is to write a letter to your loved one who passed away and then share it with a support group or therapist. Letting out these emotions and putting them down on paper can be extremely helpful in moving past them. Depending on your situation, you could also consider writing a letter to the person who took their own life. This is a very personal choice, and only something you should do if it feels right. When writing a letter to the person who passed away, you can let out all of the emotions and feelings that are trapped inside of you. You can also let them know that you miss them, and that their death is impacting your life in a negative way.

Don’t Be Afraid to Talk to Others

After you have acknowledged and accepted your feelings, the next step is to talk to others. After you have been grieving for a while, it can be easy to isolate yourself and withdraw from the world. This is normal, but it’s important that you don’t let it last too long. When you are grieving and experiencing suicidal thoughts after losing a loved one to suicide, it can be very easy to let these feelings consume you and lead you to isolate yourself from the world. When this happens, it becomes easier and easier to ignore your feelings and push them away until they are buried so deep down that you can’t even recognize them anymore. When you isolate yourself, you don’t have to deal with the emotions and thoughts you are currently facing. You don’t have to acknowledge them or accept them. You don’t have to talk to others about them. But, the more you push your feelings away, the harder it becomes to move past them. You have to face them head-on. You have to let them out and talk about them with others.

Take Care of Your Body

Finally, when you are struggling with suicidal thoughts after losing a loved one to suicide, it’s important to take care of your body. Some ways to do this include getting enough sleep, eating healthy meals, and exercising. When you are grieving, it can be easy to develop unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as drinking too much caffeine or not getting enough sleep. These things only add to your feelings of grief and guilt, and they don’t do anything to help you move past them. When you take care of your body, you are also taking care of your mind. You are bringing some balance back into your life, which is one of the most helpful things you can do when you are struggling with suicidal thoughts.


When you lose a loved one to suicide, it can be a traumatizing experience. It can be easy to fall into a cycle of suicidal thoughts after losing a loved one to suicide, but it is important to let go of these feelings. When you are grieving, it can be helpful to acknowledge and accept your feelings, talk to others about what you are feeling, and take care of your body so that you can begin to move past these feelings and find peace once again.

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