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How to Improve Your Breathing Habits: A Practical Guide

by admin

Are you someone who often forgets to breathe? It’s an odd sensation, but you may sometimes feel like you are constantly in a state of hyperventilation. Maybe it’s time to get your breathing habits in check? With our busy lives, stress levels that are always on the rise, and the constant barrage of noise from the virtual world around us, it can be challenging to remember to take a few deep breaths every so often. However, taking some time out for yourself and improving your breathing is one of the easiest ways to reduce stress and improve your quality of life. If you find that your breathing habits have been getting worse as time goes on, this article can help you get back on track and improve them once again. Here are some practical tips to improve your breathing habits

Set alarms

You might find that you start to get into the habit of breathing deeply if you set alarms to remind yourself every so often. There are plenty of apps that you can download on your smartphone today that will help remind you to take a few breaths. Alternatively, you could even set an alarm on your computer or phone that lets you know to take a break for five minutes to focus on your breathing and get back to work with a clear head afterwards. This can be a great way to get into the habit of taking some time out to focus on yourself and your breathing.

Practice breathing exercises

There are a number of different breathing exercises that you can practice to get your breathing habits back on track. One of the best breathing exercises is a breathing technique known as Diaphragmatic Breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing is when you breathe using your diaphragm. This is the muscle that separates your lungs from your abdomen. When you breathe in using this technique, you should feel your abdomen expand while your chest remains still. When you breathe out using this technique, you should feel your abdomen contract while your chest rises slightly. Another great breathing exercise is known as the 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise. This breathing technique has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety levels in just a few minutes. How does it work? Well, it’s pretty simple. You should breathe in for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and breathe out for eight seconds. There are plenty of other breathing techniques that you can experiment with as well. Be sure to search online for different breathing exercises and choose the ones that work best for you.

Go for a walk

This might sound like an odd suggestion to improve your breathing habits, but it can be incredibly beneficial. When you take a walk outside, you are forced to take slower, deeper breaths so that you don’t overexert yourself. This is something that might not even occur to you if you are inside. When you take a walk, you are giving yourself time to think and letting your mind wander. You are able to put your problems and challenges on the backburner and focus on the present moment instead – which can be incredibly calming and therapeutic.

Put pen to paper

Another great way to improve your breathing is to write down what you are feeling and thinking. When you get your thoughts and feelings out of your head and onto paper, you have the opportunity to process and deal with them in a healthier way. In fact, studies have shown that writing can be just as effective as taking medication for disorders such as anxiety and depression. When you write about your thoughts, you are challenging yourself to make sense of all the different emotions you are feeling. You are also able to see what makes you feel this way and get an idea of where it’s coming from. Therefore, writing down your thoughts is one of the best ways to improve your breathing habits.

Commit to a yoga routine

Yoga is one of the best ways to improve your breathing habits. In fact, many yoga poses are designed to help you breathe more deeply. You can also incorporate breathing exercises into your yoga routine to really get the most out of your practice. Perfect for beginners and experienced yogis alike, Yoga for Breathing is a great meditation and breathing technique that you can do at home. If you have time, you can also take part in a few yoga workshops and retreats. These are a great way to get the guidance and support that you need to get started on the right path with yoga.


When it comes to improving your breathing habits, you really need to be mindful of what you are doing. We often forget to breathe deeply because we are so busy and caught up in our thoughts. However, taking a few moments out of your day to focus on your breathing will help you stay calm and relaxed. It is important to remember that taking time for yourself to practice breathing deeply will not only make you feel better, but it can also help you be a better version of yourself. With some effort and commitment, you can get your breathing habits back on track and reap all the many benefits of deep breathing

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